PHP Filesize Converter

I found a script a while back which could convert a filesize into bytes, kilobytes, megabytes etc.  I had made a few adjustments to it because of limitations.  Enjoy:

function convert($size, $from, $to)
 $unit = null;
 $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'YB');
 $f = array_search($from, $units);
 $t = array_search($to, $units);
 if ($f < $t)
  for ($i = $f; $i < $t; $i++)
   if($size > 1024)
    $size = $size / 1024;
  for ($i = $f; $i > $t; $i--)
   $size = $size * 1024;
 $unit = $units[$i];
 return round($size, 2)." ".$unit;
echo convert(5368709120, 'B', 'GB'); // 5 GB
echo '<p>';
echo convert(3, 'TB', 'MB'); // 3145728 MB

PHP D20 Dice

Here is a simple PHP D20 Dice rolling script that I wrote to simulate the one in Open RPG.  It takes the following string: 1d20*13+14 and outputs something similar to: [5d8] => [3,2,5,4,3] = 17
// PHP 5
class dice {
 // format 1d20*13+14 
 function roll($input)
  $math = array("+", "-", "*", "/");
  // split the string into individual characters
  $characters = str_split($input);
  // loop through array and halt when it finds a character in
  // math array
  foreach($characters as $char)
   if(!in_array($char, $math))
    $die .= $char;
   } else {
  $parts = explode("d", $die);
  $num = $parts[0]; // number of dice to roll
  $sides = $parts[1]; // number of sides on the dice
  // to figure out equation
  // final $char should be one of the math symbols
  $extra = explode($char, $input);
  // roll x number of die
  for($i=1; $i <= $num; $i++)
   // add to array
   $rolls[$i] = rand(1, $sides);
  // creates string of numbers
  foreach($rolls as $roll)
   $numbers .= $roll . ',';
  // removes trailing , from string of numbers to form [ numbers ]
  $numbers = substr($numbers, 0, -1);
  // sum array - get total of all dice rolled
  $total = array_sum($rolls);
  // solves error with calc_string method...
  // if it doesn't contain something like *2 (2d*2) which is 2 characters in length
  // don't bother with attempting to calculate the string otherwise,
  // build the string to be calculated
  if(strlen($extra[1] >= 2))
   // build equation string
   $eq = $total . ' ' . $char . '' . $extra[1];
   // compute final total
   $final = $this->calc_string($eq);
   $final = $total;
  echo '[' . $input . '] => ['.$numbers.'] = ' . $final . '<br>';
 function calc_string( $mathString )
  $cf_DoCalc = create_function("", "return (" . $mathString . ");" );
  return $cf_DoCalc();
 $times = $_POST['times'];
 $dice = new dice();
 for($i=1; $i <= $times; $i++)
<title>Roll Dice</title>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
Roll: <input type="text" name="roll"><br>
Number of Times to Roll: <input type="text" name="times"><br>
<input type="submit" value="roll" name="submit">