Auto Disable Synaptic Touch pad When USB Mouse Plugged In

Now, if you are like me and hate the sensitivity of touch pads these days and want to disable it when you have your USB mouse plugged, you can easily do this with a registry edit.

1. Begin by going to run and type in regedit.
2. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, navigate to Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh.
3. If DisableIntPDFeature is not listed, you will need to add it.  Create a New DWORD by clicking on Edit > New and then selecting DWORD(32 bit) Value.  You can also right click and choose it from the list that pops up.
4. Rename it to DisableIntPDFeature and enter 33 in the textbox under Value data.  Make sure Hexadecimal is checked.  Click OK.
5. Open the Control Panel.  Where it says Control Panel in the URL, type in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items.
6. Double Click on Mouse and Click the tab for Device Settings.
7. You should see a check box for "Disable internal pointing device when external USB pointing device is attached".  Check this, click the apply button and close the window.

Instead of Navigating the Registry, you can open up notepad, copy and paste the following into it:


Save the file as AutoDisableMousePad.reg perhaps in the my documents folder or on the desktop.  Double click it.  If User Account Control (UAC) requires you to give it permission to make changes, click YES.


mgutt said...

If HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE does not work try HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This worked in my case (W7 x64 with Synaptics x64 drivers).

Unknown said...

Yes thank you! current user just worked for me-- the option is there in mouse settings. of course checking it and hitting apply hasnt actually disabled the mouse but i havent restarted yet

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work in my case. There is no "Device Settings" tab on my Mouse control panel window, just Buttons, Pointers, Pointer Options, Wheel, Hardware, and UltraNav. I can't find a check-box anywhere. I changed both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Anonymous said...

I take it all back, I got it to work! (Albeit without a check-box on a Device Settings tab)

Anonymous said...

Many thanks, this is a big help for me.

Unknown said...

download synaptic pointing device version 15.0.7 Release Date 04 Feb 2010. Install > Restart > Go to Control Panel > Mouse > Device Settings > Tick Disable internal pointing device when external USB is plugged in.

Unknown said...

FOR WIN 8 PRO... I changed the value to 33 in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER now whenever I connect the mouse, it displays a notification and turns off the touchpad.

Unknown said...

Work for me on HKEY_CURRENT_USER. OS : Windows 7, Synaptic driver version : v16.2.21 25Okt12, Machine TOSHIBA T 210

Phụ Kiện Số said...

it work fine for me, win7ultimate 32 bit. Thank ad very much!

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